
Results of paleoparasitological examination of rodent coprolites from faeces were collected from excavations at the paleontological site “Los Altares Profile”, Chubut Province, Patagonia, Argentina, are presented. Each coprolite was processed, rehydrated, homogenized, processed by spontaneous sedimentation, and examined using a light microscope. Coprolites and eggs were described, measured, and photographed. Samples were positive for eggs of Heteroxynema (Cavioxyura) viscaciae and an unidentified oxyurid (tentatively attributed to Helminthoxys) (Nematoda: Oxyuridae); and for 3 morphotypes of anoplocephalids (Cestoda: Anoplocephalidae). Coprolites were dated at 2210 ± 70 BP to present. This is the first paleoparasitological research conducted in different levels of this paleontological site, extending the parasitological knowledge of ancient material in Patagonia.

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