
The loess-paleosol sequence of Krems-Wachtberg is famous for its archeological findings, above all its Gravettian infant burials. It represents a complex system of paleoclimatic fluctuations which is nearly complete and thus, enables the correlation with global paleoclimatic records. This sequence comprises activity phases with dominant eolian and partly erosional processes as well as stable, short periods of weak pedogenesis. Periglacial environment with drier climate conditions and high eolian sedimentation rates characterize the upper part of the sequence and in periods with lower sedimentation rates, Cryosols and permafrost induced structures are developed. Although the Krems-Wachtberg site is situated at a slope position, intensive erosional phases/events can be excluded. The basal parts of the sequence show signs of decalcification, bioturbation, organic inclusions, as well as changes in element distribution. Pedogenic horizons are partly overprinted by permafrost-related structures and are disturbed by redepositional processes to a minor degree. Remarkably, the archeological horizon is not affected by permafrost, in contrast to the layers below and above.The focus of this study is deciphering stratigraphy by a combination of paleopedological–sedimentological analyses with rock magnetic analyses. On the chronological scale, the sequence records a timespan from ∼35 ka to ∼20 ka. Altogether, there is evidence of five pedogenic units and one archeological layer, which are correlated with the Greenland Interstadials GI 7 to GI 2. However, an equivalent of a MIS 3 interstadial soil – comparable with the Lohne Soil or Stillfried B soil – could not be detected.

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