
Crinoids were a common component of Paleozoic benthic paleocommunities, yet they have been under-utilized in paleoecological analyses. Recent efforts to incorporate disarticulated ossicles into these analyses have greatly increased the robustness of paleoecological patterns noted for the Crinoidea. Analyses of crinoid functional morphology, particularly filtration dynamics, have provided testable hypotheses concerning the distribution of crinoids among benthic environments. These models predict that crinoids with dense-mesh filtration fans should be most common in high energy, shoreward paleoenvironments, whereas open-fan crinoids should be most common in low-energy, offshore paleoenvironments. Review of the Paleozoic fossil record appears to support these general predictions—from the Late Ordovician to the end of the Paleozoic, dense-fan crinoids are most abundant in nearshore paleoenvironments, whereas open-fan crinoids are most abundant offshore.The partitioning of crinoid diversity through the Paleozoic shifted through time. Beta diversity was highest in the Ordovician, implying that the early diversification of crinoids was focused on partitioning the benthic landscape among taxa. Beta diversity was quite low by the late Paleozoic, however, local and within-habitat alpha diversity was much greater than during the Ordovician. This resulted in generally higher levels of eurytopy in the late Paleozoic compared to the Ordovician. Patterns of faunal disassembly associated with regional extinctions in North America during the Ordovician and Permian underscore the differences in the paleoecology of these crinoid faunas.

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