
The fluviatile, Whitemud Formation in Alberta and Saskatchewan has yielded Azolla and Ghoshispora megaspores. Associated with these aquatic fern spores are seed cuticles of Costatheca, Spermatites and Carpotheca exhibiting several similarities with the extant families Butomaceae, Juncaceae and Typhaceae respectively. One sample from the Whitemud Formation at Eastend in the Cypress Hills yielded a palynomorph assemblage comparable with the Wodehouseia spinata Zone of the Red Deer River Valley in Alberta. Major pollen species of this assemblage are W. spinata, Aquilapollenites delicatus var. collaris and Kurtzipites trispissatus. A similar assemblage occurs in the Whitemud Formation of southern Saskatchewan. The fining upward Whitemud sequence was deposited by meandering streams in a continental, subtropical to warm temperate climate.

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