
Indonesia is a country which has plants species diversity. The form of ancient plants that grew in the past are recorded as fossil woods. Several fossil woods from regions in Indonesia were collected and became exhibition collections at the Bandung Geological Museum. These fossil woods on display requires biology identity to provide more information to visitors. Identification of species of fossil woods were carried out based on the anatomical features on the smoothed cross-section. Observations were carried out by a loop hand (a magnification of 10 times and a digital loop (with a magnification of 16 times). The fossil woods anatomy features observed included vessel cells, parenchyma cells, rays cells, and the presence of resin channels. The fossil specimen which had unclear anatomy features compared by detailed description of wood anatomy available at the library and collections of wood samples owned by the Xylarium Bogoriense. The fossil woods species are Canarioxylon sp., Terminalioxylon sp., Anisopteroxylon sp., Dipterocarpoxylon sp., Dryobalanoxylon sp., Hopenium/Hopeoxylon sp., Shoreoxylon sp., Kompassioxylon sp., and Xanthophyllum sp. The mostly fossil woods species resvectively belonging to the Dipterocarpaceae, Combretaceae, Polygalaceae, Burseraceae, and Leguminosae. The fossil woods member of Dipterocarpaceae family are conspicuously characterized with the presence of resin canals.

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