
During the Mesozoic, the Andean region has played a hinging role between high- and low-latitude faunas, which are, respectively, characterized by stocks that display long-term fidelity. This paper is aimed at providing an updated review of Late Triassic to Late Cretaceous South American articulated brachiopods in the light of previous knowledge at worldwide scale. Late Triassic brachiopods from the Argentine–Chilean Andes show unmistakable Maorian (or Notal) faunal elements alongside some more cosmopolitan genera, with certain influence of Eastern Pacific taxa. By Early Jurassic times, differentiation of Tethyan and Boreal Realms became progressively evident in Europe. In South America, Hettangian–Sinemurian brachiopod faunules from the Argentinian Andes are somewhat impoverished, with mostly cosmopolitan genera showing certain affinities to Maorian species, and with the addition of some endemics later. Increasingly, diverse Pliensbachian Andean brachiopods denote close relationships to Celto-Swabian taxa, then by Domerian times, a certain degree of endemism was developed, though somewhat delayed Tethyan influences, and persistent links with New Zealand are subordinately recognizable, too; most Toarcian assemblages reveal basically Celto-Swabian and Iberian affinities as well. East-west austral links across the Pacific may have been favored by migratory routes fringing the Gondwana margin, whereas faunal exchange with the western end of the Tethys appears to reflect an intermittent shallow-marine connection through the Hispanic Corridor. During the Middle Jurassic, distinction of Tethyan and Boreal Realms was maintained in the northern Hemisphere, and the differentiation of an Ethiopian or Southern Tethyan fauna became better characterized. Aalenian and Bajocian brachiopods of the Andes display generic affinities mainly with those from western Europe, with some minor endemic developments; brachiopods recorded from the Bathonian–Callovian of Argentina (and Chile) also occur along the northern Tethyan margin, yet with some genera extending into Indo-Ethiopian areas. During the Late Jurassic, Boreal faunas from high-latitudes became even more strongly differentiated from low-latitude, Tethyan ones. Oxfordian and Tithonian brachiopods from the Andes apparently belong to genera of cosmopolitan or northern Tethyan affiliation, yet there are few elements in common with other eastern Pacific areas, such as Mexico. Early Cretaceous brachiopods, in addition to Andean basins of Chile and western Argentina, are known also from Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego. They belong mostly to widely distributed, mainly Tethyan genera, with some quasi-cosmopolitan and circum-Pacific components (some shared with Antarctica become noticeable). Late Cretaceous brachiopods from northern Patagonia show significant affinities to Maastrichtian ones of northwest Europe and central Asia, which calls for further assessing the potential role that may have played the trans-Saharan passageway in such dispersal. Broad aspects of Mesozoic brachiopod paleobiogeography are fairly well understood, yet details of ranking and naming of certain units are still in need of more agreement.

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