
Abstract The West Sudetes, NE Bohemian Massif, comprises several suspect terranes accreted to the margins of Laurussia during Variscan orogenesis. Whole rock REE and Sm-Nd isotope data for seven separate provinces (Izera, Kaczawa, Rudawy Janowickie and Kłodzko complexes; Fore-Sudetic and Góry Sowie Blocks; Slęża Ophiolite) suggest involvement of a variety of crustal and mantle sources. Felsic metasedimentary rocks (ɛNd(t) = −8.3 to −5.0) have two stage T DM ages of 1.9 to 1.5 Ga, whereas acidic metavolcanic rocks and granite gneisses (ɛNd(t) = −5.4 to +0.8) have two stage T DM ages of 1.5 to 1.0 Ga. A range of sources is implicated: predominantly Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic sources for the metasedimentary rocks, and Archaean. Palaeoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic to early Palaeozoic sources for the meta-igneous felsic lithologies. LREE depleted tholeiitic metabasites ((Ce/Yb) N = 0.8 to 3.4) generally have ɛNd(t) = +4.0 to +9.1, indicating derivation from depleted mantle asthenosphere. LREE enriched meta-alkali basalts ((Ce/Yb) N = 4.6 to 10.1) with ɛNd(t) between +3.1 and +7.0 implicate utilization of enriched mantle asthenosphere. Analogous lithologies from elsewhere in the Sudetes, North Bohemian Massif and the Armorican Terrane Assemblage have similar REE abundances, ɛNd values and T DM ages. Complexes previously considered to have had disparate Neoproterozoic to early Palaeozoic histories may be integrated into a unifying geodynamic model of derivation from the North Gondwanan (North African) margin during a widespread episode of continental margin break-up.

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