
Palaeomicrobiology is the study of ancient infectious diseases, based on the examination of archaeological or historical specimens. This chapter deals with human infectious diseases, but the field also covers diseases of other animals and plants. Its recent development dates from the introduction of molecular methods, mainly the amplification and detection of ancient DNA from disease-causing microbes, known generally as pathogens, but also includes studies of microbial carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. Why study palaeomicrobiology? Originally the aim was to verify diagnoses reached by palaeopathologists after the careful study of changes to bones and mummified tissues. It was soon realized that palaeomicrobiology provides answers to historical questions, such as whether European colonialists brought tuberculosis to the Americas. Concurrent developments in genomics have enabled comparison of gene sequences from ancient and modern pathogens. This has led to increased understanding of the origin of infectious diseases and their spread around the world. This is important today, as microbial pathogens are continuing to be a major problem to humanity, with increased levels of infection, ability to cause illness and death (virulence) and drug resistance.

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