
This study has investigated magnetic remanence, rock magnetism and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) in granulite and amphibolite grade metamorphic terranes of the Huabei Shield between Inner Mongolia in the west and the Bohai Sea in the east. Rock magnetic studies identify annealed metamorphic magnetite grains with multidomain properties as the remanence carriers; a widely recorded stable remanence was probably fixed by grain shape effects. Granulite facies terranes are typically between one and two orders more strongly magnetised than amphibolite terranes and AMS fabrics correlate mostly with metamorphic mineral fabrics observed in the country rocks. Progressive thermal demagnetisation identifies a range of two and three component structures resident in magnetite. An important component recognised as a partial or complete remagnetisation by Late Mesozoic–Tertiary tectonic/magmatic activity is present in basement at the southern margin of the outcrop (Miyun terrane) and where extensive granite plutonism has occurred (Zhunhua terrane). These components have directions corresponding to remanence in the Yunmeng Shan Granite (119–114 Ma, D/I=33/58°, 39 samples, a 95=3.5°, palaeopole at 201°E, 64°N). Most remanence elsewhere was probably acquired during post-tectonic uplift and cooling of the basement between ∼2200 and 1850 Ma because palaeomagnetic directions are removed from the Phanerozoic palaeofield path and they are distinct from the palaeomagnetic record in the overlying Jixian Supergroup deposited at ∼1840–900 Ma. These latter magnetisations are considered reliable indicators of the palaeofield during Late Palaeoproterozoic times because deformation of overlying supracrustal rocks is mostly slight and no prominent deflection of magnetic remanence by magnetic fabrics is observed. Palaeofield directions and poles attributed to the time of uplift-related cooling are: Qian’an Terrane (D/I=215/71°, a 95=9°, 17 samples, pole at 99°E, 10°N) and North Qianxi Terrane (D/I=44/−45°, a 95=4°, 41 samples, pole at 79°E, 11°S). In addition, a more widely-preserved shallow northerly component correlates with a NW→E swathe of components recorded by uplift-related cooling within the Datong–Huan’an granulite terrane in the west of the shield. A preliminary Palaeo-Mesoproterozoic apparent polar wander path for the Huabei Shield is defined from the Palaeoproterozoic record in the metamorphic basement rocks and the Meso-Neoproterozoic record in the overlying Jixian Supergroup. It incorporates a loop between ∼2200 and 1850 Ma and exhibits a general east to west trend in subsequent times.

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