
Palaeomagnetic results are presented for 1144 specimens from a total of 359 igneous bodies from the Canary Islands and Madeira. Available stratigraphic control, together with 90 K:Ar age determinations enable the data to be reliably assigned to the Pleistocene (t= 0–1.6 My); Pliocene (t= 1.6–5.1 My); and Miocene (t= 5.2–25 My) periods. The mean virtual geomagnetic pole positions for each of these periods are indistinguishable and are significantly different from the present geographic pole in a sense consistent with Wilson's offset dipole hypothesis. If considered as part of a polar wander path for the Tertiary era, the results suggest that if any marked change of polar wander rate occurred during the Mid-Tertiary, a slowing (rather than an increase) in the rate is likely to have occurred.

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