
Emplacement of the Fen central complex (603-565 Ma) within the Fennoscandian Shield in southeast Norway was preceded by the emplacement of numerous minor alkaline intrusions into the surrounding gneisses. A palaeomagnetic sample of 28 of these bodies has identified a predominant SSE negative remanence carried by magnetite in some bodies and hematite in others. A sporadic high blocking temperature component appears to record localised effects associated with the development of the Oslo rift and igneous province to the east, but no major magnetic overprinting by post-emplacement events is recognised. The stable magnetisation vectors for twenty sites comprise a coherent population with those for two sites reversed with respect to the remainder; they yield a mean direction of D = 210°, I = 44° ( α 95 = 6.4° ) and a palaeomagnetic pole at 324°E, 50°S ( dpdm=4.9°7.9°). The difference between the pole position for this early phase of the Fen magmatism and that for the late metasomatic rødberg (322°E, 63°S) in the interior of the complex is interpreted in terms of continental movement during the late Vendian-earliest Cambrian interval of alkaline activity here. The defined direction of APW movement continues a motion recognised from other Vendian data but subsequent movements during Lower Cambrian times are unclear.

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