
The major Proterozoic igneous intrusions in the Swedish sector of the Baltic Shield are the Ragunda complex (1293 m.y., palaeomagnetic pole 165°E, 54°N) and the Nordingrågabbro-granite-anorthosite complex (1385 ± 30 m.y.). The latter body has been partially remagnetised by later post-Jotnian dolerites (1254 m.y.), and sites influenced by the dolerites have a stable magnetisation with a mean direction D = 45°, I = −39°, (α 95 = 4.3°). Elsewhere, the gabbro-anorthosite facies have a magnetisation of dual polarity predating the dolerite and recoverable at various stages of thermal and/or a.f. cleaning with a mean of D = 48°, I = 37° (α 95 = 5.3°); medium and high coercivity remanence resides in large magnetite grains and fine, predominantly hematite, rods in feldspar megacrysts. The Nordingrårapakivi granite yields a mean, also including dual polarities, of D = 221°, I = −25° (α 95 = 13°), and the Gävle granite yields a mean of D = 26°, I = 17° (α 95 = 13°). New data define the a.p.w. path for the Baltic Shield after final uplift and cooling of the ca. 1800 m.y. Svecofennian mobile belt and prior to intrusion of the post-Jotnian dolerites at 1250 m.y.; this (ca. 1500–1200 m.y.) path defines a double loop similar in size and shape to the contemporaneous path for the Laurentian Shield and the paths can be superimposed to define relative positions of the shields. They were in juxtaposition prior to 1200 m.y. with the optimum reconstruction obtained by rotation of approximately 64° about a Euler pole at 1°E, 36°N. Pre-1500 m.y. palaeomagnetic data are also shown to fit this same unique reconstruction. The main geological correlations are an alignment of the Lower/Middle Proterozoic major strike-slip zones, the structural trends within the pre-1700 m.y. mobile belts, and the Grenville and Sveconorwegian (ca. 1100 m.y.) mobile belts. The anorogenic magmatism characteristic of Proterozoic times became gradually more restricted to one active margin of the continental reconstruction as temperature gradients decreased and the crust consolidated. All of these Proterozoic tectonic/magmatic trends are parallel to the long axis of the continental reconstruction.

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