
—Normal to reversed polarity transitions have been found in Mississippian limestones of Missouri at longitude 269.7 and latitude 38.6 in an area of approximately 2,000 sq.km centered on the city of St. Louis. The transitions suggest a reversal of the geomagnetic field during the time these limestones were deposited. The mean normal NRM direction of declination 323.2, inclination 14.8, alpha-95 10.0 and corresponding reversed direction declination 144.8, inclination of 11.7 with alpha-95 of 5.2, are each tightly grouped, while in between these two groups the circles of confidence reveal a large scatter. Six normally magnetized groups of sites and corresponding VGP positions were found while seven groups are reversed. The mean normal VGP was at longitude 146.2 and latitude 44.6 and the reversed one at longitude 313.9 and latitude −34.8. The large scatter in between these two groups is interpreted as being due to rapid changes in the direction of the geomagnetic field when compared with the rate of deposition of the sediments. Alternating field (AF) and thermal demagnetization (TH) techniques were used to remove secondary components of the NRM.

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