
Two iron-enriched weathered profiles, both widely distributed in the Eromanga and Surat Basins of Queensland, have been investigated palaeomanetically. Normal and reversed polarities have been obtained from each profile, indicating that the weathering events spanned at least one reversal of the geomagnetic field. The minimum duration of weathering for the older of the two profiles is estimated as 10,000 years. The palaeomagnetic directions when compared with the Late Cretaceous and Cainozoic apparent polar wander curve for Australia give a Maastrichtian to Early Eocene age for one profile and an approximately Late Oligocene age for the other. These ages are consistent with times of high palaeotemperature indicated by oxygen isotope analysis of marine fossils of the Southeast Indian Ocean. The pole position for the younger profile is not significantly different from pole positions obtained in previous palaeomagnetic investigations of weathered rocks in Western Australia, South Australia and the Northern Territory, supporting the long-held view of a mid-Tertiary continent-wide weathering event in Australia.

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