
Comprehensive field investigations and labo- ratory analyses show that palaeolakes, including fresh- mesohaline water Megalake Tengger and other semi-con- nected, isolated water bodies, during late Pleistocene covered an area of more than 20000 km 2 , which is more than half of the Tengger Desert in NW China. Stratigraphic correlation and chronological evidence indicate that before ca. 42000 aBP the area was more arid. The palaeolakes started to de- velop around 40000 uncal. 14 C aBP but until 37000 14 C aBP their scope was limited. High water levels established from 35000 14 C aBP lasted until 22000 14 C aBP. Lake levels re- gressed between 22000 and 20000 14 C aBP but transgressed from 20000 to 18600 14 C aBP. Subsequently, water level de- clined further and the Megalake Tengger finally desiccated at around 18000 14 C aBP. Megalake Tengger possessed a fresh-mesohaline water property, implying that the regional precipitation increased significantly. During the period of Megalake Tengger, the climate was warmer-humid than pre- sent. The annual rainfall was 250 to 350 mm more than that of today and the temperature was 1.5 to 3.0�� higher.

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