
Determination of the relationships between the southern, marine-dominated Miocene basins of south central Turkey and their continental hinterland in southern Turkey has traditionally been frustrated by the apparent absence of basin remnants within the Taurus Mountains. The Dikme basin, which seems to be an enclave of basin remnants within the Aladağ Mountains (Eastern Taurides), consists mainly of coarse-grained continental sediments of various facies. These mostly early–middle Miocene sediments were studied to determine the depositional environments and the factors controlling the basin formation and basin fill architecture, to attempt to close the information gap between the Adana Basin to the south and central Anatolian Miocene further to the north. A generally southwest-flowing axial fluvial system and interfingering coarse-grained marginal alluvial clastics derived from northwest and southeast were identified. The marginal facies to the northwest is bounded by a N 55° E-running structural lineament, that starts from the Ecemiş Fault Zone and in digital elevation models extends toward the north of the study area. Along this lineament, Miocene sediments onlap steep fault-line escarpments. Certain Miocene levels are tectonically disrupted, and an intraformational unconformity and boulder conglomerates are also well-developed in the Miocene sequence. The southeast boundary is similarly defined by a NE-trending fault that periodically elevated the adjacent Tufanbeyli autochthon, producing coarse clastics from this area. This boundary fault also induced fining-upwards vertical patterns and synsedimentary deformation in the marginal facies. Additionally, the central part of the basin exhibits a distinct fault-defined morphology characterized by small-scale (tens of metres to 150 m high) valley-and-sill topography. A thin marine interval was also encountered in the southernmost part of the basin, indicating that the clastic system originating around this area debouched into a Miocene sea situated further to the south. The proposed palaeogeography and basin fill model suggests that the Dikme basin and similar Miocene remnants, all controlled mainly by a northeast-running extensional or transtensional fault system, may have been parts of the terrestrial hinterland that supplied sediment to rapidly subsiding marine areas further south, such as the Adana Basin.

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