
Synopsis Molluscan assemblages, not previously described in detail, from raised beaches in the Aberlady and Gosford Bay areas indicate that several facies are present: rocky shoreline deposits formed at high-water mark; sandy shore facies from a little lower in the shore zone; a sandspit and various intertidal and estuarine deposits. In addition there are fossil life assemblages of Ostrea edulis and Cerastoderma edule. The raised beaches are correlated on the evidence of their depositional facies combined with their present height O.D., from which have been determined the relative heights of high-water marks at the times of their formation. The older life assemblages and the highest shoreline (8–9 m O.D.) have thus been grouped together and by means of C14 dating found to be about 5500 years old, corresponding with the age of the main post-glacial marine transgression in the Firth of Forth area.

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