
We compute the diagrammatic expansion of the particle-particle susceptibility via algorithmic Matsubara integration and compute the correlated pairing susceptibility in the thermodynamic limit of the 2D Hubbard Model. We study the static susceptibility and its dependence on the pair momentum $\mathbf{q}$ for a range of temperature, interaction strength, and chemical potential. We show that $d_{x^2-y^2}$-wave pairing is expected in the model in the $U/t\to 0^+ $ limit from direct perturbation theory. From this, we identify key second and third-order diagrams that support pairing processes and note that the diagrams responsible are not a part of charge or spin susceptibility expansions. We find two key components for pairing at momenta $(0,0)$ and $(\pi,\pi)$ that can be well fit as separate bosonic modes. We extract amplitudes and correlation length scales where we find a predominantly local $(\pi,\pi)$ pairing and non-local $\mathbf{q}=(0,0)$ pairs and present the relative weights of these modes for variation in temperature, doping, and interaction strength.

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