
Several strategies have been proposed to increase dialysis efficiency in order to reduce dialysis treatment time. Paired filtration dialysis (two-chamber technique) is a new technique combining the advantages of highly permeable membranes and convective transport with the high depurative efficacy of diffusion. The system operates with two units in series (hemofilter + dialyzer) with membranes of polysulfone and hemophan, respectively. A detailed analysis of the hydraulic properties of the system and its possible optimization in terms of depurative efficiency is reported in this paper. In vitro and in vivo tests provided data sufficient to draw some hypotheses on a new utilization of the system. The system appears to be adequate for operating under conditions of high blood flows, however, some limitations were evidenced during our evaluation: the convective component may be insufficient and further increases are impossible because of the limiting effect of the low surface area of the hemofilter; the configuration in which the weight loss is achieved in the hemofilter exposes to the risk of backfiltration in the dialyzer, reducing the benefits of a highly biocompatible system, and the use of acetate in the dialysate and/or lactate in the substitution fluid may interfere with a satisfactory correction of metabolic acidosis. On the basis of our evaluations, some changes can be proposed such as: (1) increased surface area of the hemofilter; (2) use of blood flows higher than 300 ml/min; (3) use of bicarbonate in the dialysate and in the replacement solution; (4) increased convective component with ultrafiltration rates of 50-60 ml/min and full replacement with substitution fluid in between the two filters, and (5) weight loss achieved in the dialyzer with a constantly positive transmembrane pressure. With such a modification of the operative conditions, paired filtration dialysis can be probably applied as a highly efficient dialysis technique in a large number of patients with a significant reduction of dialysis treatment time.

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