
Subjects had to learn lists of noun pairs and verb pairs. They were informed in advance about the test types and were tested for free recall (FR) and cued recall (CR). Three classes of encoding instructions were used: standard learning instructions, item-specific enactment instructions (to perform the denoted action of the verb or a typical action for the noun, and to do the same plus finding separate goals for the two elements of each pair), and enactment instructions that were completed by explicit instructions to integrate the word pairs (find a common goal, and find a common goal plus rating your success). There was no effect of encoding instructions on FR of nouns. There was a better FR under all enactment instructions than under standard instructions for verbs. CR decreased after item-specific enactment instructions, in contrast with standard learning instructions, but more for nouns than for verbs. CR increased after the instructions to integrate the pairs, in contrast with item-specific enactment instructions, but more for nouns than for verbs. It was concluded that enactment provides excellent item-specific information that can hardly be enhanced further, and that the item-specific information provided by concrete nouns is fundamentally good and is difficult to enhance by enactment. It is further assumed that enactment not only provides excellent item-specific information, but also hinders pair integration. Therefore, CR decreases after enactment. This decrease can only be overcome when subjects actively try to integrate the word pairs.

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