
Most of the neurological manifestations of the aortic dissection are due to neuronal ischemia secondary to either extension of the dissection process into a branch artery, or compression of an artery by the false lumen of the dissecting aortic hematoma. However, the enlarging false lumen may directly compress on an adjacent nerve, causing neuronal injury resulting in neurological symptoms. This may particularly take place when a distal intimal tear does not decompress the false lumen, resulting in formation of an expanding blind pouch. About 10% of aortic dissections are painless and may present with symptoms secondary to the complications of the dissection. Although cardiovocal syndrome, or Ortner's syndrome (hoarseness of voice due to involvement of recurrent laryngeal nerve in cardiovascular diseases) has been described with aortic dissection, it has not been reported as an initial presenting feature of this disorder. This report describes the first case of painless aortic dissection presenting with hoarseness of voice, the cardiovocal syndrome. The hoarseness remained the only symptom throughout the entire course of the disease. The aortic dissection was not suspected initially. During surgical exploration, the recurrent laryngeal nerve was found compressed by the false lumen at the level of aortic arch. Aortic root replacement was performed successfully, resulting in complete resolution of the hoarseness. The neurological manifestations of aortic dissection, and the cardiovocal syndrome, are discussed.

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