
For this purpose, Gwathmey proposed the following method: first, 0.006 morphine from 2 cubic meters of morphine is injected under the skin of a woman in labor. sant. 50% solution of chemically pure magnesia sulfate (the latter, without morphine, maybe, in case of need, introduced 3-4 times); then after 15-20 minutes, - and if the above injection causes pain relief by itself, then even after 1-2 hours, - the woman in labor is given an enema of 0.6 quinine bromide, 8.0 alcohol, 70.0 ether and 120.0 ol. olivarum; This enema is placed after a preliminary cleansing enema, the mixture is introduced into the rectum to a height of 12 centimeters, and after the introduction its anus is closed for a while.

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