
In paediatric dentistry it is essentials to reduce axiety and fear induced by local anaesthetic injection, in order to obtain patient's cooperation and achieve a successful treatment. Hence, this review is aiming to primary evaluate pain perception in paediatric patients when using a computer-controlled local anaesthetic delivery system (C-CLADS) compared to traditional injection. A database literature search was conducted on both MEDLINE and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials and a data extraction table was created to perform a critical evaluation of each scientific article. The primary results were the perception of pain during anaesthesia and the patient's behaviour, the secondary the amount of anaesthetic required and its duration over time. In the review were included 7 clinical studies regarding paediatric patients where split-mouth designs or group division were used. The age range was between 5 and 17 years old. Pain and fear parameters were measured by visual analogue scales, behavioural scales, heart rate and satisfaction questionnaires. Substantial heterogeneity between clinical trials was observed, which led to difficult comparison. Computerised devices have proved to be interesting in reducing pain during anaesthesia, improving the approach to the paediatric patient. It is advisable to conduct research with anxious subjects and patients under the age of 4, because no evidence has been found in the literature. It is recommended to conduct further research with anxious subjects and patients below the age of 4, where Relative Analgesia by Langa or pharmacological anxiolysis are frequently used.

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