
The McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ) and the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) were administered to 72 subjects with burning mouth syndrome (BMS) who were also requested to match the levels of their clinical pain to line lengths on a visual analogue scale (VAS) and to experimentally induced warm and painful thermal stimuli. The responses of 102 toothache pain subjects and 43 asymptomatic age- and sex-matched control subjects were used to compare the responses of the BMS subjects on the MPQ and MMPI, respectively. The results indicated that BMS pain is quantitatively similar to, but qualitatively different from, toothache pain, that self-reports of BMS pain appear to be valid, that when compared to the asymptomatic control subjects, BMS subjects show elevations in certain personality characteristics which are similar to those seen in other chronic pain patients, and that these personality disturbances tend to increase with increased pain. Therefore, our findings indicate that the pain of BMS is more severe than has previously been suggested and that the severity of this pain may explain some of the personality changes which occur in the BMS subjects.

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