
The purpose of this research is to exam the effect of cardiovascular predictor and inflammatory marks. Clinically normal rang of level for reference normal group and abnormal group separated 12 weeks of intensive exercise training on resting predictor for cardiovascular and inflammatory marks were studied in higher plasma PAI-1 in person. Female university students weighted over 30% FM classify normal group(n=17) and abnormal group(n=6). Training program is composed aerobic exercise HRmax 60~80%, resistance exercise 1RM 60~70%, 12~15RM 2sets per 3 times a week and 12 weeks exercise per 2 hours a day. Total training time is formal 2 hours with warm-up and cool-down. The result of this study timely in the general characteristics and obesity index of body weight, BMI, WC, FFM, %FFM, FM, %FM, %abdominal fat, BMR of except MM were significantly after the 12-weeks. TG has only interaction among the cardiovascular predictor but TG, insulin were significantly after the 12-weeks. PAI-1 has only interaction among the inflammatory marks but TG, insulin were significantly after the 12-weeks. In conclusion, fibroinlytic PAI-1 data in inflammatory marks improved with reducing body weight and FM a precedent study. Also physic al activity and exercise which someone has higher plasma PAI-1 decreased cardiovascular and inflammatory marks.

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