
To assess whether the nationwide introduction of standardized paediatric resuscitation training has resulted in an increase in resuscitation knowledge from 1995 and whether this increase in knowledge is greater in those who have attended a resuscitation training course within the last year. National telephone survey of paediatric residents. A total of 128 out of a possible 140 residents responded. The mean score in 2002 was significantly higher than in 1995. Those 2002 respondents who had attended a course scored significantly higher than both 1995 respondents, and those 2002 respondents who had not attended a course. There was no significant difference between those 2002 respondents who had not attended a course and the 1995 respondents. There has been a significant increase in resuscitation knowledge from 1995 to 2002. This improvement has occurred over a period coinciding with the nationwide introduction of standardized resuscitation training. The authors suggest that this improvement is, in part, due to the introduction of standardized paediatric resuscitation training.

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