
Plantbiotechnologysan área ofhighimportancesinceit has forobtainingplantorganismswithcharacteristics superior tothosealreadyonthemarket. Cloningisoneofthetolos that forthisfunction, throughit, organismswithcharacteristicsofinterest are selected and this individual ismultiplied, ensuringthattheregeneratedplants are geneticallyidenticaltothedesiredmatrix, establishing a standardization. Knowingthatthe ornamental plants sector contributessignificantlytotheeconomy and amongthemostesteemed ornamental plantsamongBrazilians, there are orchidswhichhaveacquired cultural visibility and a largenumberofcollectors in recentyears. Theobjectiveofthepresentworkwastoestablishanefficientassepsisprotocolfor lateral meristems and toobtain clones oftheorchidofthegenusPhalaenopsis. Formethodology, aiming at thestandardization o fan asepsisprotocol, 4 treatmentsweredeveloped and testedwithdifferentcombinations (concentration x time) ofagentssuch as sodiumhypochlorite, alcohol, copper, tween and washingtheexplantswithsteriledistilled wáter formeristemsoftheorchidofthegenusPhalaenopsis. Themeristems, alsoknown as lateral bud, were removed fromthestemoftheseedlings, fromtheir floral stems. As forobtained clones, theexperimentcarriedoutconsistedofinoculatingthemeristems, after anasepsisprocess, in Knudson culture media, containingdifferentcombinationsofgrowthregulators, usinganauxin and cytokinin. Theresultsobtained show that, no asepsistreatmentstested in thiswork, presentedsignificant and positive results, so itwasnot posible toestablish, as yet, anasepsisprotocolfor lateral meristemoforchidsofthegenusPhalaenopsis. Sinceallmeristemssufferedcontamination and oxidation. Therefor, itwasnotyet posible toobtain clones, usingthismethodology. Thisworkserves as aninitialbasis, forfutureresearch, regardingcloningthroughmeristems in Phalaenopsis.

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