
Irrigated lowland rice is the most important rice ecosystem in Malaysia. The present and future food security in rice for the country depends largely on the irrigated lowland rice production system which consumes a large amount of water. Signs of declining water availability due to increased demand of water for domestic and industrial uses besides irregularity of rainfall and climate change threatens the sustainability of irrigated rice production. This scenario may change the way rice is produced in the future. Aerobic rice is a potential water saving rice production system and will be the best option of producing rice in water scarce environment. The availability of aerobic rice varieties that can withstand aerobic condition, responds to irrigation and fertilizers, competitive against weeds and deliver a high yield is crucial to make aerobic rice cultivation successful. Since weeds are major constraints to aerobic rice, it must be effectively controlled through integrated weed management. Appropriate nutrient and other crop management practices will ensure successful aerobic rice production system.

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