
A tournament is a directed graph in which there is a single arc between every pair of distinct vertices. Given a tournament T on n vertices, we explore the classical and parameterized complexity of the problems of determining if T has a cycle packing (a set of pairwise arc-disjoint cycles) of size k and a triangle packing (a set of pairwise arc-disjoint triangles) of size k. We refer to these problems as Arc-disjoint Cycles in Tournaments (ACT) and Arc-disjoint Triangles in Tournaments (ATT), respectively. Although the maximization version of ACT can be seen as the dual of the well-studied problem of finding a minimum feedback arc set (a set of arcs whose deletion results in an acyclic graph) in tournaments, surprisingly no algorithmic results seem to exist for ACT. We first show that ACT and ATT are both NP-complete. Then, we show that the problem of determining if a tournament has a cycle packing and a feedback arc set of the same size is NP-complete. Next, we prove that ACT is fixed-parameter tractable via a $$2^{\mathcal {O}(k \log k)} n^{\mathcal {O}(1)}$$ -time algorithm and admits a kernel with $$\mathcal {O}(k)$$ vertices. Then, we show that ATT too has a kernel with $$\mathcal {O}(k)$$ vertices and can be solved in $$2^{\mathcal {O}(k)} n^{\mathcal {O}(1)}$$ time. Afterwards, we describe polynomial-time algorithms for ACT and ATT when the input tournament has a feedback arc set that is a matching. We also prove that ACT and ATT cannot be solved in $$2^{o(\sqrt{n})} n^{\mathcal {O}(1)}$$ time under the exponential-time hypothesis.


  • IntroductionGiven a (directed or undirected) graph G and a positive integer k, the Disjoint Cycle Packing problem is to determine whether G has k (vertex or arc/edge) disjoint (directed or undirected) cycles

  • Given a graph G and a positive integer k, the Disjoint Cycle Packing problem is to determine whether G has k disjoint cycles

  • We studied the classical and parameterized complexity of packing arc-disjoint cycles and triangles in tournaments

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Given a (directed or undirected) graph G and a positive integer k, the Disjoint Cycle Packing problem is to determine whether G has k (vertex or arc/edge) disjoint (directed or undirected) cycles. Vertex-Disjoint Cycle Packing in undirected graphs is one of the first problems studied in the framework of parameterized complexity. Edge-Disjoint Cycle Packing in undirected graphs admits a kernel with O(k log k) vertices (and is FPT) [11] On directed graphs, these problems have many practical applications (for example in biology [12, 18]) and they have been extensively studied [7, 34]. It hints that packing arc-disjoint cycles and arc-disjoint triangles in tournaments could be problems of different complexities This is the starting point of our study. MaxACT and MaxATT are the problems of obtaining a maximum set of arc-disjoint cycles and triangles, respectively. ATT can be solved in O (2O(k)) time and admits a kernel with O(k) vertices (Theorem 18)

NP-hardness of MaxACT and MaxATT
Parameterized Complexity of ACT
Parameterized Complexity of ATT
Concluding Remarks
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