
Clonal plants that produced by somatic embryogenesis technique is one of the best choice to produce supperior clonal cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) planting materials. The somatic embryogenesis technique is a possible way for massive propagation, the outcome is true to type plants, the architecture similarity that the seedlings but there is not segregation like seedlings plants. At present mass production started of plantlets production until post-acclimatized plantlets of somatic embryogenesis cocoa was done at Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute. Distribution system of the planting materials to whole areas in form of as up-rooted post-acclimatized plantlet. Some problems identified to reduce probability of decreasing viability of up-rooted post-acclimatized plantlets and one of them is extreme internal water deficit. This research investigate of the influece storage condition (air tight and non-air tight) and box storage (mica plastic and cardboardbox). The first experiment result show, there is no significant different between mica plastic and cardboard box usage for storage of post-acclimatized cocoa pantlet. Viability of up-rooted post acclimatized cocoa plantlet influenced exactly by air tight and non-air tight storage condition. Air tight storage condition have better viability of up-rooted post acclimatised (81,58%) than non-air tight storage condition (65,00%). Leaf sanasence on air tight storage condition (10,33%) lower than non-air tight storage (32,58%). There is not significantly on volume storage per plantlet between 4.416 cm3 and 12.600 cm3. Relationship between fallen leaves and cocoa planlet viability follow negative linear correlation y = -1,4719x + 104,88 (R2 = 0,9772). The second experiment treatment showed that maximal storage periode of post cclimatized cocoa plantlet just until 6 days stored (97%) and not significant with 3 days one. Viability of post acclimatized cocoa plantlet decreased after 6 days storage period.Key words : Somatic embryogenesis, post acclimatized cacao plantlet, storage condition, box storage, volume storage, storage period and viability.


  • The second experiment treatment showed that maximal storage periode of post-acclimatized cocoa plantlet just until 6 days stored (97%) and not significant with 3 days one

  • Pengaruh penyimpanan stump okulasi mata tidur bibit kakao terhadap daya hidup dan pertumbuhannya

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Soedarsianto dan Santoso

Pengemasan Planlet Pascaaklimatisasi Hasil Perbanyakan Somatic Embryogenesis Kakao (Theobroma cacao L.). Produksi bahan tanam kakao (Theobroma cacao L.) klonal melalui teknologi somatic embryogenesis dipandang lebih tepat karena teknik perbanyakan ini bersifat masal, tanaman yang dihasilkan merupakan tanaman yang true to type dan mempunyai keragaan/morfologi pertanaman sama dengan tanaman asal biji. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan yang nyata antara penggunaan kardus dan mika plastik pada beberapa tingkat volume tempat penyimpanan baik 12.600 cm maupun 4.416 cm. Kondisi yang berpengaruh terhadap persentase hidup planlet justru pada kondisi kedap dan tidak kedap udara. Pada kondisi kedap udara persentase daun gugur didapatkan lebih rendah (10,33%) dibandingkan dengan kondisi penyimpanan tidak kedap udara (32,58%). Hasil pengujian penyimpanan planlet sampai hari ke 6 menunjukkan persentase hidup 97% dan tidak berbeda nyata dengan perlakuan penyimpanan planlet selama 3 hari (98,75%).

Percobaan Pertama
Percobaan Kedua
Pengaruh Wadah dan Kondisi Penyimpanan
Kedap Air tight
Pengaruh Kepadatan Planlet
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