
Mycobacteria are widespread microorganisms that live in various environments, including man-made water systems where they cohabit with protozoa. Environmental mycobacterial species give rise to many opportunistic human infections and can infect phagocytic protozoa. Protozoa such as amoebae and ciliates feeding on bacteria can sometimes get rid of non-digestible or pathogenic material by packaging it into secreted fecal pellets. Usually, packaged bacteria are still viable and are protected against chemical and physical stresses. We report here that mycobacteria can be packaged into pellets by ciliates. The model bacterium Mycobacterium smegmatis survived digestion in food vacuoles of the ciliate Tetrahymena pyriformis and was included in expelled fecal pellets. LIVE/DEAD® staining confirmed that packaged M. smegmatis cells preserved their viability through the process. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy revealed that bacteria are packaged in undefined filamentous and/or laminar substances and that just a thin layer of material seemed to keep the pellet contents in a spherical shape. These results imply that packaging of bacteria is more common than expected, and merits further study to understand its role in persistence and dissemination of pathogens in the environment.

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