
<em>Abstract.</em>—The Ecosystem Diagnosis and Treatment (EDT) model is being used to build working hypotheses to direct habitat restoration and protection activities in most Pacific Northwest salmon watersheds. The EDT model is used to provide a basis for moving forward with restoration and protection activities, evaluating progress, and refining restoration strategies. The model consists of four components: 1) characterization of the aquatic environment, 2) species-habitat rating rules, 3) life history trajectories, and 4) population performance computations. The environmental characterization is a reach-scale, monthly time step, species-neutral depiction of the stream that focuses on environmental features relevant to salmonids. The species-habitat rating rules are explicit assumptions about the relationship between the stream reach characterization and species-life stage survival. Life history trajectories are multiple computer-generated pathways through the environment. Finally, life history and population performance, defined by Beverton–Holt productivity and capacity parameters, is calculated for each life history trajectory and these trajectories are combined across spatial and biological scales to compute population performance. The model is a freely accessible, web-based tool (http://edt.jonesandstokes.com).

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