
P2p -factorization of a complete bipartite graph for p, an integer was studied by Wang (1). Further, Beiling (2) extended the work of Wang(1), and studied the P2k -factorization of complete bipartite multigraphs. For even value of k in Pk -factorization the spectrum problem is com- pletely solved (1, 2, 3). However for odd value of k i.e. P3 , P5 and P7 , the path factorization have been studied by a number of researchers (4, 5, 6). Again → P3 -factorization of complete bipartite symmetric digraph was studied by Beiling (7). → P5 -factorization of complete bipartite sym- metric digraph was studied by Rajput and Shukla (8). In the present paper, → P7 -factorization of complete bipartite symmetric digraph has been studied. It is shown that the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of → P7 -factorization of complete bipartite symmetric

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