
Abstract Study question Can improved culture conditions advance the functionality of murine testicular organoids (TOs)? Summary answer Testicular cells formed spheroidal TOs resembling the functional unit of the testis and supporting meiotic entry of germ cells during long-term culture in printed macropores. What is known already Organ cultures at the air-medium interphase have traditionally been used for in-vitro spermatogenesis (IVS) in rodents because they best preserve the testicular architecture, which is pivotal in achieving IVS. However, organ cultures do not offer the ability to access and manipulate single cells, making it an inefficient model for mechanistic studies. Culturing testicular cell suspensions into organoids offer these features. Previously, testicular organoids in immersion culture resulted in testicular architecture, but only supported short-term survival of germ cells. Moreover, millimeter-sized organoids show signs of degeneration due to insufficient nutrient and oxygen supply. Study design, size, duration First, we focused on recreating the testicular architecture at air-medium interphase and determined whether higher cell densities could improve our previously developed 3D printed culture model during long-term culture using different mouse strains. Afterwards, the focus was put on improving TO morphology by adapting the scaffold design. Moreover, to expand the potential of TOs, the possibility to cultivate chimeric mixtures of testicular cells and germ line stem cells expressing a reporter transgene (EGFP) was assessed. Participants/materials, setting, methods Prepubertal testicular cells from C57BL/6J (n = 5) or CBAB6F1 (n = 3) mice were cultured in the macropores of 3D printed squared 1-layered scaffolds (1LSs) composed of Cellink-RGD (8x104 cells/mm²). Next, 1LS was modified with an additional layer of alginate (2LS) to culture a chimeric mixture of testicular cells of prepubertal C57BL/6J mice and EGFP-expressing germline stem cells (2:1). Cell reorganization and differentiation were characterized by immunohistochemistry and testosterone was quantified by electrochemiluminescence. Main results and the role of chance During long-term cultures in 1LSs, testicular cells reorganized into organoids with restoration of testicular architecture and Leydig cell functionality supporting the differentiation of germ cells to the meiotic phase, regardless of the mouse strain. However, pore overgrowth and fusion of adjacent aggregates, resulted in irregularly shaped TOs. Based on these results, the design of 1LS was modified with an additional layer of alginate to entrap reorganizing cells (2LS). To non-invasively evaluate germ cell behavior, EGFP-expressing germline stem cells were mixed with testicular cells of prepubertal C57BL/6J mice in 2LS. This approach resulted in the formation of chimeric organoids with a more regular and spheroidal morphology. These improved TOs consisted typically of 1 tubule-like structure and surrounding interstitium, representing the functional unit of a testis. in contrast to primary germ cells, germline stem cells were not observed after the 3rd week of culture. Limitations, reasons for caution Candidate factors have to be tested in their ability to elevate the meiotic blockage of germ cells in TOs. In addition, the culture medium needs further optimization to enhance maintenance of germline stem cells in chimeric models. Finally, results obtained with rodents remain to be confirmed in further human studies. Wider implications of the findings: The opportunities testicular organoids offer to manipulate cells through genetic modification, inclusion and exclusion, are essential for the study of male infertility and the search for potential therapies. Moreover, they permit high-throughput screening of chemicals, thereby substantially reducing the number of animals for the high demanding reproductive toxicity studies. Trial registration number Not applicable

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