
p57 immunostaining is performed on hydropic products of conception to diagnose hydatidiform moles (HMs), which can progress to gestational trophoblastic neoplasia. Partial hydatidiform mole (PHM) and hydropic abortion (HA) display positive staining in stromal and cytotrophoblastic cells, whereas complete hydatidiform mole (CHM) is characterized by loss of p57 expression in both cell types. In some cases, an aberrant pattern is observed, called discordant p57 expression, with positive cytotrophoblast staining and negative stromal staining, or vice versa. The aim of this study was to describe the clinical, biological, and pathological characteristics of p57-discordant villi (p57DV) and other associated populations in cases of divergent p57 expression and to compare the evolutions of p57DV-associated and classic CHMs. Seventy cases of p57DV diagnosed by referent pathologists were divided into two groups, G1: p57DV±non-CHM component (n=22) and G2: p57DV+CHM component (n=48). p57DV morphology was similar in the two groups. Observation of more than two populations and hybrid villi on p57 immunostaining were significantly more frequent in G2. The clinical, ultrasound, and biological presentations of p57DV-associated and classic CHMs were similar. The initial pathological diagnosis was more frequently incorrect, missing the CHM component, for the p57DV-associated CHMs. Molecular genotyping was informative in seven cases and identified as androgenetic/biparental mosaicism in four cases. These results show that p57DV are a diagnostic challenge for pathologists and that most are associated with a CHM component. However, the clinical management of p57DV-associated CHMs should be the same as that of classic CHMs.

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