
International midwifery publications and reports, including from WHO, ICM, and UNFPA identify the need for investment in strengthening midwifery education through strengthening midwifery faculty. A critical component of improving the quality of midwifery care provision is improving the quality of, or building capacity in, midwifery education. Currently, many countries across the Asia Pacific region rely on external support to produce high-quality and fit-for-purpose midwifery education programs. Providing opportunity to build capacity in midwifery education no matter where midwives work or teach, ensures that together we can support each other to the top of our profession. Following a review of available evidence on faculty development programs a six-module Faculty development curriculum was designed, developed, and delivered through 2020-21 to over 200 participants across 16 Asian and 8 Pacific region countries. The modules included curriculum development and review activities including the collaborative development of midwifery graduate attributes, learning design principles and supporting the development and implementation of contemporary approaches to learning, teaching and assessment. Delivery of the modules took a blended approach and included regular online sessions, use of a Learning Management System (LMS), workbook completion and the use of social media platforms to develop communities of practice. The Faculty Development Program (FDP) aimed to build in-country expertise in this important area of midwifery education so that all countries have top-quality midwifery educators. This presentation will provide an overview of the evidence supporting the strengthening of midwifery education and faculty development and describe the design, development, implementation, and evaluation of the midwifery education Faculty development program. The presentation will include the voices of the Faculty who participated in the program.

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