
P4-ATP-ases comprise an interesting family among P-type ATP-ases, since they are thought to play a major role in the transfer of phospholipids such as phosphatydylserine from the outer leaflet to the inner leaflet. Isoforms of P4-ATP-ases are partially interchangeable but peculiarities of tissue-specific expression of their genes, intracellular localization of proteins, as well as regulatory pathways lead to the fact that, on the organismal level, serious pathologies may develop in the presence of structural abnormalities in certain isoforms. Among P4-ATP-ases a special place is occupied by ATP8B1, for which several mutations are known that lead to serious hereditary diseases: two forms of congenital cholestasis (PFIC1 or Byler disease and benign recurrent intrahepatic cholestasis) with extraliver symptoms such as sensorineural hearing loss. The physiological function of the Atp8b1/FIC1 protein is known in general outline: it is responsible for transport of certain phospholipids (phosphatydylserine, cardiolipin) for the outer monolayer of the plasma membrane to the inner one. It is well known that perturbation of membrane asymmetry, caused by the lack of Atp8B1 activity, leads to death of hairy cells of the inner ear, dysfunction of bile acid transport in liver-cells that causes cirrhosis. It is also probable that insufficient activity of Atp8b1/FIC1 increases susceptibility to bacterial pneumonia.Regulatory pathways of Atp8b1/FIC1 activity in vivo remain to be insufficiently studied and this opens novel perspectives for research in this field that may allow better understanding of molecular processes behind the development of certain pathologies and to reveal novel therapeutical targets.

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