
Objectives: In Australia the National Occupational Health and Safety Commission (NOHSC) requires that manufacturers provide Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all hazardous materials. However the accuracy of MSDS has not previously been assessed, utilizing the specified NOHSC criteria for hazardous substances.Methods: 100 consecutive product MSDS were collected from workers with potential work‐related cutaneous exposure, attending an occupational dermatology clinic. Manufacturers were contacted to verify the ingredients of each product. MSDS were evaluated using for skin irritants and skin sensitisers, and for compliance with the NOHSC criteria for hazardous substances (sensitisers present at a concentration >=1%, irritants present at a concentration >=20%). All sensitisers were checked for clinical significance (relevant positive patch test result) to the worker’s dermatitis.Results: On manufacturer follow‐up, 58% of the MSDS satisfied the NOHSC criteria. However, 3 products omitted sensitisers, present at <1%. Importantly, one sensitiser was clinically significant. 19% failed to meet the NOHSC criteria. 17 MSDS omitted sensitisers at >=1%, two omitted irritants at >=1%. Irritants were specified correctly in 19/22 cases, whereas sensitisers were specified correctly in only 30/71 cases (p = 0.0003). Non‐compliant MSDS may have been as high as 42%, as insufficient information to enable assessment was provided on manufacturer follow‐up regarding the percentage concentration of 1 unlisted irritant and 22 unlisted sensitisers.Conclusion: MSDS are significantly inaccurate with respect to skin sensitisers. Sensitisers and percentage concentration are frequently omitted from MSDS, thereby providing inadequate information for the prevention of skin sensitisation for workers.

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