
Abstract We present a clinical case of a 19–year–old young athletic patient with reported episodes of heart palpitation. The baseline electrocardiogram was negative. Holter ECG documented: "16 single supraventricular extrasystoles normally conducted to the ventricles; 3877 polymorphic, single and repetitive, ventricular extrasystoles; 45 pairs and 4 triplets." In light of the Holter report, he underwent Exercise Testing that documented : "isolated and repetitive polymorphic BEVs, a few pairs and two 4 beats run nsVT " Since the patient had contracted SARS–COVID 19 infection about two months earlier, the first diagnostic hypothesis was to be referred to secondary myocarditis and therefore an indication for cardiac MRI was placed. Cardio–RM documented the presence of mesocardial and subepicardial fibrosis with Late Gadolinium Enhancement distribution pattern of non–ischemic type, in the mid–apical segments of the lateral wall of the left ventricle and in the lateral wall of the right ventricle at the outflow tract, findings compatible in first hypothesis with Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy of the Right Ventricle.

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