
Abstract A 62–year–old woman, with a history of systemic hypertension, smoking habit and paroxysmal atrial fibrillation treated with Flecainide, was admitted to the ER of our Hospital for chest pain. She reported that the symptoms appeared after an emotional stress at work. Troponin I was of 895 pg/mL. The electrocardiogram showed: negative T waves in the inferior leads and an early repolarization pattern/ ST elevated in the antero–lateral leads. The patient underwent transthoracic echocardiography which showed: EF 45%, akinesia of the posterior and inferior segments of the septum. Invasive coronary angiography showed absence of lesions. CMR presented: EF 51% and mild hypokinesia of the mid septum and inferior segment; signs of oedema affecting the left ventricular myocardium in the apex, the mid inferior segment and in the lower apical wall, with subendocardial hypoperfusion layer in the mid inferior septum (microvascular dysfunction?). The patient was dismissed with the diagnosis of M.I.N.O.C.A. A month later, she was admitted again to our ER suffering from a new episode of acute chest pain; she also reported a short episode of atrial fibrillation (documented by an EKG) lasting about 10 minutes occurred the day before. The EKG showed: negative T waves in anterolateral leads. TnI was of 2052,5 pg/ml. The patient underwent a transthoracic echocardiogram which demonstrated: reduced global systolic function (EF 35%), akinesia of the apex, mid–anterior septum and mid– anterior wall. The day after the echo was repeated and it demonstrated a gaining of Vsx EF which was of approximately of 50%. Invasive coronary angiography showed absence of lesions. A methylergometrine test was negative for vasospasm on anterior descending artery. The CMR showed: EF 58%, signs of oedema in the basal and mid anterior wall, mid–anterior septum. LGE intra wall of the apical septum and of the basal part of the anterior wall (coronary spasm? Vasculitis?) Absence of edema. The final diagnosis was of Tako Tsubo. Discussion and conclusions This case offers the inspiration to reflect on differential diagnosis of chest pain with undamaged coronary arteries. In addition to this, it should be considered coronary emboli arisen through various mechanisms including left atrial appendage thrombi due to atrial fibrillation, so that also anticoagulation therapy is suggested as discharge treatment.

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