
The Registered Undergraduate Student of Midwifery (RUSOM) workforce model provides final year midwifery students with the opportunity for paid employment as an assistant to registered midwives. The role allows students to gain experience while being immersed in the hospital setting and under supervision of a midwife. A RUSOM supports the work of midwives by providing care to women and babies, and completing administrative tasks. The aim of this study was to evaluate how the RUSOM role was experienced by maternity staff and women. The impact on satisfaction, safety, and quality of care was examined. A mixed-methods approach was undertaken. Focus groups with RUSOM, midwifery staff, and supervisors (n= 40) were conducted pre- and post-implementation. Descriptive surveys were administered to midwifery staff, RUSOM and women (n=135) to determine how the role contributed to staff and women’s satisfaction and quality of care. The introduction of the RUSOM role had a range of benefits for the hospital, midwifery staff, women, and the RUSOM themselves. The RUSOM were a welcome addition to the postnatal ward, relieving the burden on midwives and providing them more time to conduct direct clinical care. The clear scope of practice specified for the role ensured that there were clear boundaries between the work of the RUSOM and the midwife. All stakeholders were highly satisfied with the support of RUSOM and their positive impact on quality of care. The RUSOM valued the experience for promoting their professional development. Employing RUSOM staff has benefits for midwifery and the provision of high-quality maternity services to women and families. Expansion of such a role is warranted as it can develop experienced graduates that are attractive to a recruiting maternity service.

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