
IssueVaginitis is polymicrobial Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), associated with some STD agents, presenting signs/symptoms such as foul smelling vaginal discharge, irritation, and itching. Among the leading infectious agents causing vaginitis among young women in urban communities in Nigeria,Gardnerella vaginalis(cause of Bacterial Vaginosis) was found to top the list. Also, unprotected sex during first sexual intercourse and multiple sexual partners are found to be the major risk factors for the wide spread of Bacterial vaginosis among the study's young women.MethodBacteriological and differential laboratory tests (microscopic examination, normal physiological saline wet-preparation, Potassium Hydroxide (OH) solution, whiff test, the litmus paper/PH level test, and gram staining) were carried out on High vaginal swab (HVS) specimens collected aseptically within 6 months from non-pregnant, non-menstruating young women who are not on antibiotics for a week before specimens were collected, and whose consent is sought before the study. The Study population is made up of both STD center attending and non-attending young women (mean age=25.50). In addition, a standard questionnaire (r=0.77) was administered to answer the major research/study questions on the major risk factors for Bacterial vaginosis.ResultFrom the 200 HVS collected, 68 % of primary isolates were isolated:G vaginalis(51.72%),C albicans(41.92%), andT vaginalis(06.36%) respectively (p<0.0001). According to the result from the study questionnaire, among 200 respondents, 37.71% had their first sexual intercourse without any protection, 39.16% were protected during their first sexual intercourse, and 23.13% did not recollect. Also, 31.65% had engaged in sexual intercourse with more than one sexual partner before with no protection in few occasions, 37.21% had had multiple sexual partners before with protection, 31.14% declined to provide answer to the multiple sexual partner questions.ConclusionsBacterial vaginosis was found to be the most prevalent among young women in urban cities in Nigeria, and the major risk of contracting the infectious disease is unprotected sexual intercourse with multiple partners, and during first sexual intercourse. However, there is need for effective and efficient sex education and awareness to encourage the partners to be faithful to one another and for the promotion of safe sexual intercourse by using preventive means such as condoms.

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