
Background-With the recent evolution ofFinancial Technology(FinTech),11peers to peer (P2P) lending platforms have been regulated by the Securities Commission in Malaysia since 2016. P2P lending platforms offer new investment opportunities to individual investors to earn higher rates onreturnthan what traditional lenders usually provide. However, individual investors may face higher potential risks of default from their borrowers. Therefore, individual investors need to understand the potential exposure to such P2P lending platforms to make an effective investment decision. This studyaims toexplorethepotential risk exposures that individual investors may experience at Malaysia's licensed P2P lending platforms. Methods-Based on data collected manually from nine P2P lending platforms over five months, relationships between interest rates and various risk classifying factors such as credit rating, industry, business stage, loan purpose, and loan duration are examined. Results-This studyshowsthat loans with a similar credit rating andwith or without similarloan purpose; and a business stage may offer investors significantly different interest rates.In addition, loans with shorter durations may provide investors with higher interest rates than those with longer durations. Finally, loans issued by companies from the same industry appeared to be charged with similar interest. These findings are valuable to investors to prepare themselves before making their investments at the P2P lending platforms. Conclusion-With first hand-collecteddata, thisstudy providesanoriginal insight intoMalaysia'scurrent P2P lending platforms. Findings obtained for relationships between interest rates and risk classifying factors such as credit rating, industry, business stage, loan purpose and loan duration are valuable to investors of Malaysian P2P lending platforms.

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