
Abstract When I started working in the BRI Dermatology department, I noticed that team morale appeared to have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, and also that the department was not running as efficiently as it could be. To improve departmental efficiency, team-working and staff wellbeing following the COVID-19 pandemic, I surveyed staff to assess their thoughts on departmental efficiency, team-working and a daily team ‘Huddle’. I presented my findings in a departmental meeting, following which a daily team Huddle was initiated. All team members were invited. I created a Huddle proforma which included a checklist troubleshooting issues likely to arise in the day, a moment for a wellbeing ‘check-in’ and a celebration of staff achievement. The Huddle team leader rotated daily. After 6 months, I re-surveyed staff: 92% strongly agreed/agreed that patient care was delivered efficiently (60% pre-Huddle, P = 0.01); 96% of staff strongly agreed/agreed that the team worked well together (71% pre-Huddle, P = 0.03); 62% strongly agreed/agreed that the department was running smoothly/efficiently (33% pre-Huddle, P = 0.08). Staff strongly agreed that the Huddle had improved their wellbeing. Nonclinicians felt more confident to approach the on-call Registrar and Consultant. Respondents observed nonclinical staff were less likely to attend. The Huddle allowed staff to share information/concerns. Rotating the Huddle lead helped break down hierarchical barriers. Celebrating achievements boosted team morale and helped members feel valued. Recommendations include encouraging administrative/reception staff to attend and to set up virtual access for staff who work from home.

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