
Background: Nursing noticed that post-op patients had a lower satisfaction when they were placed in a room with a roommate. They were unable to follow post-op instructions in reguards to their strict dietary regimine because they could smell their roommates meals. They would feel deprived and depressed because they could not have the same meals. The bariatric patients often have C-PAP machines due to sleep apnea, and they were uncomfortable wearing the C-PAP in the presense of a roommate. Also the patients were embarrassed about their bodies in the traditional hospital gowns and were less likely to get OOB to ambulate. Methods: We educated our charge nurses and clinical coordinators to be aware of appropriate bed placements and provided private rooms. Education of patient and families was also provided to assist with being able to deal with future exposures to the smell and presence of food. The private rooms also assisted with the sensitivity to using C-PAP in the hospital. Larger gowns and socks enabled the patients to feel comfortable ambulating post-op again reducing complications. Results: Patient and families express high satisfaction. All bariatric patients are assigned to private rooms and staff that care for baritric patients takes mandatory baritric sensitivity training once a year. We also added bariatric sensitivity training for all employees of the hospital, no matter where they work. This mandatory training will be provided upon hire. Patients express their satisfaction with the equipment that we use in their care; we have bigger gowns, bigger socks and wider showersand armchairs. Conclusion: By providing appropriate equipment and training to staff we have been able to elevate our quality of care for our post-op bariatric patients. Sensitivity training for all staff have proven to be effective tool in providing excellent patient care.

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