
Doppler-Color sonography is a non-invasive method for the investigation of the in-utero fetal well being. Umbilical cord contains blood, the flow of which might correlate to the fetal well being. To study of the correlation between Doppler sonography and fetal distress in pregnancies with hypertensive disorders and IUGR. At the Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, during the years 2004 to 2006, in prospective manner, 115 pregnant women of gestational age 22 + 3 to 40 + 5 with hypertensive disorders were studied. Fetal umbilical artery was examined by Color Doppler sonography. Out of 115 patients with hypertensive disorders, in 85 cases (73.9%) normal fluximetry of the umbilical artery was observed, while in 30 (26.0%) fluximetry was pathological. The following unfavourable perinatal outcomes, in patients with normal umbilical artery fluximetry were recorded: fetal deaths 2 (2.3%), 21 (24.7%) births with Apgar score below 7. In cases with pathological fluximetry, 14 (46.6%) fetal deaths occurred while number of births with Apgar score below 7 was 14 (46.6%). Out of 30 pregnant women with hypertensive disorders and IUGR, where fluximetry of the umbilical artery was pathologic, in 28 cases (93.2%) this method has signalled an unfavourable perinatal outcome. Based on the data from this form of investigation, we can concluded that in pregnant women with hypertensive disorders and IUGR, Doppler sonography correlates with fetal distress and is the earliest alarm sign in comparison with other tests. Application of this type of examination is recommended for all pregnant women with hypertensive disorders.

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