
Those affected by sickle cell disease have an increased susceptibility to infection by encapsulated bacteria and hepatitis B virus due to reduced splenic function and increased likelihood of receiving blood transfusions. Sickle cell disease patients are also more likely to suffer from complications, such as vaso-occlusive crises or acute chest syndrome, following infection with influenza or COVID-19. Standards for Clinical Care of Adults with Sickle Cell Disease in the UK (2018) outline that that those with sickle cell disease are recommended to be vaccinated against invasive pneumococcal disease, Haemophilus influenza type B, Neisseria meningitis types ACWY and type B, hepatitis B, and influenza. These patients are also recommended to have their hepatitis B immunity reviewed annually and to receive a hepatitis B vaccination booster if hepatitis B surface antibody (HBsAb) levels are less than 100mIU/ml. According to the Standards, hospital staff is advised to remind and check with the patients’ primary care teams whether these vaccinations have been administered. In this audit, we examined the records of 64 patients with sickle cell disease who receive regular care at the Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. We collected data on the uptake of the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13), pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV23 or Pneumovax) within 5 years, two doses of Meningitis B vaccine, Meningitis ACWY vaccine (MenACWY), Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine (Hib/MenC), influenza vaccine within one year, hepatitis B vaccine (HepB), whether HBsAb levels have been reviewed within one year, HepB booster if HBsAb levels were less than 100mIU/ml, and two doses of COVID-19 vaccine. These records were obtained from electrical medical records provided by patients’ general practitioners. Data collection took place from 23rd September to 4th November 2021. The uptake of vaccinations was 67.4% for PCV13, 61.0% for PPV23 or Pneumovax within 5 years, 75.0% for Hib/MenC, 45.3% for MenACWY, 42.2% for the first dose of MenB and 29.3% for the second dose of MenB, 54.7% for influenza within one year, 75.0% for HepB, 71.9% for the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, and 68.3% for the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. 43.8% had their HbsAB reviewed and 20.0% received a HepB booster following HBsAb levels of less than 100mIU/ml. The uptake levels for the recommended vaccinations are lower than expected in our hospital trust. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the effect of health inequalities and the uptake of the vaccination programme by patients of different ethnicities. During our patient support group, patients identified the Tuskegee syphilis experiment as one of the reasons why there is still distrust of the medical profession by those with Afro-Caribbean heritage. Beyond directed patient education, more communication is needed with the primary care teams to raise awareness of which vaccinations are required for sickle cell patients. Certain vaccinations, such as MenACWY and MenB were only introduced in 2015, meaning that some general practitioners may be still unaware of their necessity in adults with sickle cell disease.

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