
Background: Listeria rhombencephalitis is a rare and serious complication of Listeria monocytogenes infection. We present a case of presumed Listeria rhombencephalitis with dramatic recovery from a highly morbid state. Methods: A previously healthy 64 year old woman with a remote and stable history of a major depressive episode and no history to suggest immune compromise presented with nausea and vomiting followed by the acute onset of diplopia and gait disturbance 28 days after exposure to an identified infectious source of spring rolls and 21 days after a severe diarrheal illness from that exposure. Our patient was evaluated by emergency physicians and general internists over a period of 1 week after the onset of diplopia and gait disturbance and given a diagnosis of serotonin syndrome before receiving a consultation from Neurology. Her presentation featured a deep encephalopathy and an unusual hyperkinetic movement disorder with startle myoclonus, palatal myoclonus and diffuse tremor. Results: Her MRI scan showed FLAIR hyperintensities in the bilateral cerebellum and pons with adjacent pial enhancement, characteristic of Listeria rhombencephalitis. Her CSF showed a lymphocytic pleocytosis with normal chemistry. Conclusions: She recovered dramatically to treatment with IV ampicillin. This case report illustrates the importance of considering Listeria rhombencephalitis in immunocompetent patients with brainstem symptoms following a diarrheal illness.

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