
Objective The study is to analyze the specific characteristics of the brain bioelectrical activity in children with delay in both mental and speech development. Methods We have examined 52 children with severe delay in both mental and speech development. The children were in the department of neurology from 2011 to 2014. They were from 8 months to 5 years of age. Children with epilepsy bouts and motor disorders were not included in the study. The device HE , Russian Federation, Ivanovo, was used for the study. Clinically, the children manifested based on their age in the following manner: 8–9 months of age – no babbling (repetition of identical syllables; 1 year of age – very silent baby, almost no voicing; 18 months of age – no simple words such as “mommy”, “give”, and no comprehension of these words; 2–3 years of age – knowledge and usage of a very small set of words, no repetition of new words spoken by others; 4–5 years of age – no ability to make up sentences, no comprehension of simple stories told by adults. Results The findings of EEG test performed on children with delay in both mental and speech development are as follows: 1. Prolonged generalized or diffuse epileptic activity, in 10 children, 19.23%; 2. Prolonged and periodic slowdown in frontal, frontocentral, and frontotemporal leads, in 21 children, 40.38%; 3. Slowdown and disorganization in the background activity, in 13 children, 25%; 4. Disorganized pathologic EEG pattern, absence of physiologic sleep and wake patterns alongside with diffuse bursts of theta and delta waves, in 8 children, 15.38%. Conclusion The information concerning the brain function, which was obtained by registering of the bioelectric activity, makes it easier to diagnose the changes in development, and identification the possible opportunities to conduct an adequate individualized correction.

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