
Abstract Background The number of advanced therapies (ADT) approved for the treatment (Tx) of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in is increasing, however, yet no guidance on optimal sequencing of treatments is available in Germany (and elsewhere). This study aims to investigate applied Tx sequences of ADT in claims data based on real-world setting across Germany in patients (pts) with IBD. Methods A retrospective healthcare claims data analysis was conducted using claims data from approx. 4.5 Mio pts within German statutory health insurance, including pts diagnosed with Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) from 2014 to 2021. Pts were followed up for at least 6 months after the first prescription of ADT (index date) if not deceased. A pre-index period of at least 12 months was applied to only include pts naïve to ADT. The study assessed Tx sequences and time to next treatment (TTNT) among other parameters. Data was not adjusted to disease severity and only descriptively reflects real world Tx patterns within the database. Results The database included 15.041/18.361 pts with CD/UC. Pts with CD/UC starting ADT between 2014 to 2021 received either Adalimumab (ADA: 923/337), Infliximab (IFX: 616/419), Ustekinumab (UST: 113/25) or Vedolizumab (VDZ: 139/248). In an analysis of ADT sequences and TTNT defined as start of first line (1L) Tx to start of second line (2L) Tx we found that during the observation period the majority of pts (71.4%) have not switched to 2L Tx yet. In 1L, ADA was observed as the preferred Tx in CD pts (51.5%) followed by IFX (34.4%), VDZ (7.8%) and UST (6.3%), in UC pts IFX (40.7%) was mostly prescribed as 1L followed by ADA (32.8%), VDZ (24.1%) and UST (2.4%). The proportion (%) of pts not switched to 2L Tx within one year for CD/UC were: ADA (83.6/70.3), IFX (79.0/73.1), UST (93.5/96.0) and VDZ (85.4/86.6). Within three years proportions of pts not switched to 2L Tx changed for CD/UC: ADA (68.1/54.5), IFX (57.8/56.8), UST (82.5/72.0) and VDZ (72.7/73.0) (table1). For pts who had a switch to a different ADT, the switch occurred within one year in over 50% of all pts. Most Tx switches (45.8%) were observed in pts who received IFX as 1L Tx, both in the UC and CD population. The majority of CD pts that received 2L Tx were switched to UST (35.7%), while in UC, a high proportion of pts were switched to VDZ (44.3%). Further Tx pathways and proportions of switches are summarized in Figure 1. Conclusion The study found that most IBD pts started ADT with ADA or IFX, but unadjusted time on 1L data may suggest a trend towards superior TTNT of VDZ and UST in UC and CD. Data should be interpreted carefully, as pts for >1L are limited and UST and VDZ were approved during the study period.

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